I proudly present to you my truly interactive and informative Gary Numan website. I apologise for not updating this much sooner, but I have been learning more advanced web development skills.
I type all the code in myself and it tends to be rather time consuming. but I am sure you would agree that it has been well woth the wait. I think in comparison to this new format, the old format was rather sloppy and unprofessional looking.
I woul like to tell you more about this site than I did before. Firstly, the name Exiled Telekon came by linking the names of my two most favourite Gary numan albums. Being Exile & Telekon. Exile Telekon did not sound right, so I decided to add an "ed" to the end of Exile. To give the imression that my all time favourite album Telekon had been exiled for years.
Secondly I got really irritated by other people boasting about their webpage skills and Numan collections, So I decided that a website would be well woth the time and effort to show all my wears.
I concider that the decision to do this was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. This site was to be my prototype site, and boy i have learned a lot about web page construction since then.
I would like the opportunity to thank Gary Numan for all the years that he has been entertaining us Numanoids.
Also I would like to thank everyone for their very kind enteries on my guestbook, message board and for all the kind Emails that I have received. I especially Welcome Nigel from Dead heaven.
Thirdly, I would like all your feedback regarding this new format. I am sure that you would agree, that this site deserves credit for having great picture galleries?? I hope you think that this is the case??
I am currently scanning in a army of pictures for my galleries. I am sure that you will like what you see? I am partularly proud of my image galleries. These galleries form the backbone to this site and i will be adding to thenm all the time from now on.
I just have to get the reconstruction issues addressed first. I apologise to Kieth from A Question Of Faith, and Stan King of This Prison Moon for not linking to their site. It will be addressed very soon, and I hope that they return the honour?? Both Sites are superb
My main logo will also be changing very soon, I wll be making it 3D and animated so you will have a less static website to look at. and very soon I will be addibg Macromedia Flash4 applications and some CGI applications to make this site a lot more exciting.
As you can see, I have added some JavaScript code to Exiled Telekon and this will add to your viewing pleasure, also to add securtiy dementions to my site.
So if you come back in about 6 or so months time you will see this site develop, grow and evolve in front of your very eyes.
I do not profess to have the best technical abillity, nor do I claim to have the best Gary Numan website up there. I leave this judgement up to you, my visitors!
The image to the left is one of the proposed logo changes. so as you can see my graphic skills have also improved. so there will be more animation going on Exiled Telekon. I also intend having closer ties with other Gary Numan site authors. In the past I have been rather aloof from all the Numan Network.
I intend this to change. I have alway viewed other Numan site authors as a threat to my site, but I now believe that that every Numan site has a certain unique feeling to them. So I now feel we all benefit from one another. Above all we all are fans of Gary Numan. I invite you all to enjoy what I have to offer. I have enjoyed making this site, so I would only hope that you all enjoy the new look Exiled Telekon. DO YOU BELIEVE IN HEAVEN THAT MAN`S SOUL IS ETERNAL AND PRAYERS ARE ALWAYS ANSWERED AND MIRACLES CAN HAPPEN LYRICS BY GARY NUMAN FROM HIS ALBUM EXILE 1997 EAGLE RECORDS COPYRIGHT 1997 GARY NUMAN